"We will be in MOVED into our NEW office starting September 26, 2022, Our new address is 6043 Shallowford Rd Suite 101, Chattanooga TN 37421. We are moving across the street from our current office. Thank You Dr. Avitabile and staff. 
Alyson Marter will be going full time starting September 26, 2022 and she will be available for appointments M-F"

Why You Need a Doctor on Your Diabetes Care Team

Ultimately, the day-to-day management of your diabetes is up to you. But it’s a big responsibility, so having a trusted medical provider on your care team is essential to your long-term health.

Anthony G. Avitabile Jr., DO, understands diabetes and is here to give you the support you need. He provides the medical management necessary to help you keep your blood sugar levels balanced and discourage serious complications. The entire staff here at RiverCity Family Medicine, PLLC welcomes you to make an appointment and learn how we can support you as you manage your diabetes.

A doctor’s role

At RiverCity Family Medicine, Dr. Avitabile provides you with routine medical care and so much more. As a doctor of osteopathic medicine, he looks at you as a whole person and not just a collection of test results and conditions to manage.

While he offers basic medical care, physical exams, lab tests, and prescriptions for medication, he also can help you adjust your lifestyle to manage diabetes. This includes diet, supplements, and physical activity.

Coordinated care

As your primary care physician, Dr. Avitabile can coordinate care among the specialists you see. For example, he can work with your endocrinologist, podiatrist, optometrist, and pharmacist to direct your treatment plan.

He can also refer you to others — such as a dietitian, certified diabetes educator, and mental health specialist — if your condition requires it. He may recommend inpatient and outpatient programs along with support groups that can help you cope with diabetes.

Prevention of complications 

Diabetes affects numerous bodily systems. When you have diabetes, you’re at an increased risk of:

Dr. Avitabile can monitor all of your systems and identify potential complications early, when they’re easier to treat. He also helps you reduce risk factors for complications, such as being overweight or sedentary and having poor blood sugar control. 

Blood sugar and beyond

Dr. Avitabile recognizes that treating your diabetes involves more than just looking at blood glucose levels. At regular checkups, he observes changes in your weight, examines your feet for cuts or sores, and checks your circulation. He ensures your reflexes and sensation in your feet and hands are healthy.

Your doctor also offers reminders for you to get your eyes and teeth checked from the right specialists. He inquires about your diet and helps you devise an eating plan that is healthy for your condition but also works with your schedule and preferences. 

You also have a responsibility to share your concerns and any symptoms with Dr. Avitabile. Report any blurred vision, numbness in your feet, cramping in your legs, chest pain, shortness of breath, or persistent swelling in your hands, feet, legs, or face. In this way, you work in partnership with your doctor to ensure you’re getting the care you need.

Frequency of visits

If you’re a Type 1 diabetic taking insulin injections, you need to check in once every 3-4 months. Those with Type 2 diabetes who are managed with lifestyle changes or oral medications benefit from a checkup every 4-6 months. If you have trouble controlling your blood sugar or complications from your condition, more frequent visits may be necessary.

A primary care physician is an invaluable member of your diabetes care team. Dr. Avitabile offers his extensive experience to patients in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, community when it comes to evaluating, diagnosing, and managing every type of diabetes. Call today or book a consultation online.

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